You Da Man vs Kingdom Man

Culture tells us be the man, there is a laundry list of things that qualify us as the man; how many women we have or have had, how much money we have, how much possessions we have, who has the hottest car, who is more physically strong, does our favorite sports team we advocate for win. There are a plethora of things that can gain you notoriety, but none of these things are what God has called us to be. We must go from pursuing being “da man” to a Kingdom Man. What is a Kingdom Man you ask? A Kingdom Man is one who draws down God's purposes for his life and ones he is responsible for. A Kingdom Man is one who fully takes on his responsibility to have dominion, responsibility, ownership, over his divine purpose, wife, kids, church and community. A Kingdom Man is one who the devil fears because he knows he operates in a divine authority that lends him handicap. A Kingdom man is public with his faith, he is loud in his commitment to God, he knows and understands eternal things so he parallels his efforts, time, life and goals to accomplish heavenly purposes. Like a man wearing a Chiefs jersey it’s easy to identify who a Kingdom Man stands for. Culture's goal is to make men weak by persuading them to identify with things superficial and temporal. Christ's goal is to make men come into their full potential and purpose by aligning themselves with him and taking on his power. Are you “da man” or a Kingdom Man? Many times we don't even notice how we have become our own enemy, we have become the monster in our homes because we have refused to be Kingdom minded but adopted culture standards.