That Girl vs. Kingdom Woman

Culture tells women to pursue being "THAT GIRL"... but the Bible gives examples for how to pursue becoming a Kingdom Woman. Being "that girl" is a facade, a polished, prettied up, aesthetically pleasing version of yourself to present to the world. You might ask, what's wrong with being organized, prioritizing my physical health, wanting to look and feel pretty, focusing on my mental health? Not a thing, WHEN you understand that your wholeness, peace, and satisfaction is found in Christ alone not in your self sufficiency or daily habits and routines. Instead of striving to perfect your weekly calendar to reflect a productive woman, focus on drawing closer to Christ and virtues such as kindness, humility and service to reflect a Kingdom woman. What kind of wife do you desire to be? A Helper? A Hinderance? Singles, take heed to the first steps toward being a wife. If you desire to honor God in your marriage, you must first submit yourself to God above all things.