Our Beginnings

Word's Way Christian Ministries was founded by Pastor Kevin L. Verner Sr. in 1999 with the mission to be led by the Holy Spirit in obedience to the command of God as put forth by Jesus Christ in the great commission. Word's Way continues to operate in excellence as a body of believers who preach, teach, walk by faith and live according to the principles of the Holy Bible. We are an evangelistic ministry specifically concerned with soul winning and aiding and assisting those in need. We strive to permeate our communities with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

With direction and obedience to God, taking the mission of his father to new heights, Pastor Kalvin L. Verner Sr. launched a digital platform for Word's Way in 2020. This platform has worked along side the body of disciples that make up Word's Way Church to accomplish the goal of saving souls, in a new generation of believers.

What We Believe

We believe in teaching, living and proclaiming the Kingdom of God through the direction of the Holy Spirit.

God has made a way for all to be redeemed though his son Jesus Christ.

No matter how many mistakes you have made, Jesus loves you and wants a relationship with you.

Love, Faith, Generosity and Practical Bible Teaching are our 4 pillars.

Love people for no reason, even when it hurts is our culture code

JESUS IS LORD is our motto!

We submit our lives to Jesus and let the power of the Holy Spirit help us live as vessels for the Kingdom of God to operate on earth as it is in heaven.