
Hebrews 5:11-13 NLT; John 15:1-8 AMP
Get Your Weight Up

This week we want to examine the importance of fasting, praying, and reading our word. Who God says you are is who you are rather you believe it, know it or not. We need to have enough faith to seek it and have enough faith to believe. It takes faith and commitment to seek God in this way… Do you have enough faith to grow? It's time we self-examine. Many of us have spent many years and some just a few months believing in Jesus Christ for our sin. We have accepted the free gift of grace and now the blood of Christ is at the altar of God pleading on our behalf, now our salvation is sealed until the day of redemption, but we don't want to choose to stay here. Now by faith we have accepted Jesus is Lord, he is the one and only true God, it's time to Make Jesus Lord, Adonai and sovereign owner of our lives. In this series we want to rest the expectation of discipleship in the areas of growth and producing Kingdom fruit. The goal of this series is to take an in-depth look at maturing past just believe into full lifestyle, experience, and knowledge of the Christ we proclaim.