It's a command!

Have you ever had someone tell you they love you but didn't show it? Their words were full of passion but the pain of their actions and choices left you discombobulated. Biblical love is defined as compassionately, righteously, and selflessly seeking the well-being of another. I like to say, "You go down so they can go up". Jesus died and went down so we can have life and go up with him and we are to do the same things for each other. Today we will look at the word of God and discover it is a command to love, we owe each other love, and when we are not loving we are sinners. This is the new commandment "Love each other just as I have loved you"(John 13:34). This is not a choice but a command. It is time we reprioritize and recondition our hearts and minds. We can no longer have the restaurant mentality as the church, serve me and make me happy or I will go to another restaurant. We must take on the heart of our Lord, humble servanthood in love.