The goal of this series is to encourage, bring more understanding to, and activate Words Way to take on a servant’s mindset and heart. We are called and commanded to love and serve each other and, unfortunately, loving and servitude are not the main characteristics the church is known for. We must quickly mature in God's design for us. We must truly obey and submit to the most important command Jesus ever made and that is to love, it is not about us but the edification of the body of Christ. In the next 4 weeks, we will dive into serving; and what it should look like in the church and in our personal lives. We will also examine how we instill this attribute into Word’s Way culture and the blessings that come from this kingdom mindset. Our Westernized form of Christianity has harmed us. We come to church, get out of our air-conditioned cars with our favorite outfits on, and walk into a comfortable building also air-conditioned, we grab our favorite coffee and go to our favorite seats to cheer on our favorite leaders. We have grown accustomed to comfort, convenience and the church doing everything possible to get you there and keep us there. It has become about us! It has become about what programs we want, or don’t want... It has trickled down to where we want to serve and who we want to be around. WE MUST LEAVE THIS RESTAURANT MENTALITY AT HOME! There is no place in the kingdom of God for this arrogance and laziness. The second we pull into the church parking lot our hearts should be in a posture of worship and servitude, worship to God, and service wherever needed to the saints in the house of God, honestly this should be our heart posture every day. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and on Sundays we go to be joined together in unity, serving each other in love, hands lifted in worship. At our jobs we don't pull up and think "How can this job serve and benefit me today?", it’s the opposite. Why? Because at work we are evaluated by performance and how you benefit the company. Well, let's do self-reflective kingdom performance evaluations! What do you bring to the Kingdom of God? If God reviewed you right now would you get a bonus or promotion or would you be in danger of being laid off? The Kingdom is like a beehive and we are the bees, we should be doing all we can to serve the King Bee and produce even to the death. We must get out of the restaurant mentality and understand IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!